there r some realy nice, positive, funny, artistic and intellectual fellows, i know, but in this time (less then one week) i have met some unpolite, rude, negative Latvians, who r mostly grown up people (i wouldn't use word person).
when in the truck marker "Latgaliite" peoples attitude r far more polite than in booking office in the house of Congress and woman in the street is calling me "idiot" just because im reacting, living or acting different (and im not the only one who's saying this). What just shows their low intellectual level, and i haven't seen one for quite long time.
This negative and in some way country-side atmosphere is surrounding all riga and now honestly i prefer to stay at home and not to go out for meet Latvian society. I have feeling all rats have came out of their ambuscade. They r not hiding anymore, not feeling even a bit of shame, in contrary, they r loud, proud and crashing into other peoples lifes.
I dont want to stay here, i dont want to become such a person, eating my dinner with marionettes. I know, this question is all around, but -where r u Latvian-??