
Never Too Late from Guilherme Maueler on Vimeo.

A thing taken from Edinburgh Collage of Art Degree show. That tree is just outside of my house.

Things are the way they are (a little too tired to cry or laugh about them.. at the end you cry until you laugh and you laugh until you cry).
I got into Edinburgh’s Telford Collage Photography course. I have decided to enjoy every step of the path I'm on.. untill I'm have reached my dream destination. It seems easier to do so when I'm on my own though.

You should listen to these words as Sade would pronounce them ..


  1. So True! And go for it my friend with all your heart! :))

  2. Anonymous13.7.11

    Toc, toc, toc... are you there? I have very good memories about Edinburgh. I'm glad you are there doing the photography course... I like your photographies sice I saw your pictures in Valencia. Some kind of sensibility. Enjoy!!!!

    Kisses from Vlc (BesITUs)
